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Straight From My Art – Workshop 13 – Mango Mandala

I came across this mandala design on Instagram and fell in love with the intricate patterns. My sisters loved it too and we all decided to attempt it in our own time and pace. I started off with a sketch of the basic mandala structure:

I then decided to directly use a pen for the internal designs and began to work on those step-by-step:

The next image is some more of the pattern filled in:

Here’s my final piece. I did change a few of the internal designs where I found the original challenging, but tried to stay true to the original for the most part:

Two of my sisters decided to go in a more colourful direction. Here’s Lakshmi’s attempt:

As always, she has a perfectly symmetrical design in a whorl of colours that lands up looking completely different than the original but has its own beauty!

Here’s my cousin Goma’s work:

She decided to go with just two colours. When I see this one in a certain angle, a 3-d effect pops up as well!

Bala decided to go with just black much like my design, yet hers looks completely different from mine!

In contrast to my attempt, Bala kept the same line thickness across the entire drawing which has resulted in yet another beautiful interpretation of the original.

Until next time!

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